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Positive Attitude Activities for Children

Looking for activities to help develop a positive attitude in your children?

Besides reading the Sad Mad Glad books, take a look at these activities from The Spruce.

It’s not always easy to see the positive things in life, especially for kids, but having a positive attitude and outlook on life makes solving life’s problems much easier. Showing your children how to turn a negative attitude around helps to teach them some important coping skills they’ll need in her life.

Make Attitude Acrostics

An acrostic is a neat way of helping your child figure out what traits are common to people with positive attitudes.

  1. Begin by giving your child a piece of paper and asking her to write the word ATTITUDE vertically down the left side of the paper in capital letters (see the image above for an example).

  2. Set a timer for about 5 minutes and brainstorm with your child about all the traits and characteristics that you both see in people with a good outlook on life. At this point, don’t worry about whether the traits begin with the letters found in the word “Attitude.”

  3. Next, ask your child to remember some of those traits and word them so they fit in the acrostic. For example, your child’s paper might say:

Always see the good in a situation.

Tries to find solutions to problems.

Takes time to appreciate the little things.

Is happy with what he has.

Takes responsibility for his actions.

Understands the need to listen to other people’s opinions and thoughts.

Doesn’t complain often.

Enjoys life.

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