The silent tragedy affecting today’s children
From: Your OT We all want our children to grow up and be productive, caring and responsible adults. But are many parents doing an...
Getting Ready for October
Looking for activities to keep the kiddos busy during the month of October? Besides reading the Sad Mad Glad books, there are lots of fun...
7 Secrets to Raising a Happy Child
Besides reading the Sad Mad Glad Book series to your children, there are 7 other secrets to raising a happy child according to Marguerite...
Why Kids Need to Move, Touch and Experience to Learn
From: KQED When the Sad Mad Glad guys visit your school, the students are in for a real treat. Not only do they learn about the...
Positive Attitude Activities for Children
From: The Spruce Looking for activities to help develop a positive attitude in your children? Besides reading the Sad Mad Glad books,...
Teaching Character to Your Kids
All parents want their children to mature into young responsible and productive adults. But what is the best strategy to ensure that is...
The Sad Mad Glad Guys to Present at the WV Reading Association Conference
The Sad Mad Glad guys, authors Chuck Stump & Jim Strawn, are honored to be presenting at the 62nd Annual WV Reading Association...